Abstract:In this paper, we seek to design a report generation model that is able to generate reasonable reports even given different images of various body parts. We start by directly merging multiple datasets and training a single report generation model on this one. We, however, observe that the reports generated in such a simple way only obtain comparable performance compared with that trained separately on each specific dataset. We suspect that this is caused by the dilemma between the diversity of body parts and the limited availability of medical data. To develop robust and generalizable models, it is important to consider a diverse range of body parts and medical conditions. However, collecting a sufficiently large dataset for each specific body part can be difficult due to various factors, such as data availability and privacy concerns. Thus, rather than striving for more data, we propose a single-for-multiple (S4M) framework, which seeks to facilitate the learning of the report generation model with two auxiliary priors: an explicit prior (\ie, feeding radiology-informed knowledge) and an implicit prior (\ie, guided by cross-modal features). Specifically, based on the conventional encoder-decoder report generation framework, we incorporate two extra branches: a Radiology-informed Knowledge Aggregation (RadKA) branch and an Implicit Prior Guidance (IPG) branch. We conduct the experiments on our merged dataset which consists of a public dataset (\ie, IU-Xray) and five private datasets, covering six body parts: chest, abdomen, knee, hip, wrist and shoulder. Our S4M model outperforms all the baselines, regardless of whether they are trained on separate or merged datasets. Code is available at: \url{https://github.com/YtongXie/S4M}.
Abstract:Quantum Machine Learning continues to be a highly active area of interest within Quantum Computing. Many of these approaches have adapted classical approaches to the quantum settings, such as QuantumFlow, etc. We push forward this trend and demonstrate an adaption of the Classical Convolutional Neural Networks to quantum systems - namely QuCNN. QuCNN is a parameterised multi-quantum-state based neural network layer computing similarities between each quantum filter state and each quantum data state. With QuCNN, back propagation can be achieved through a single-ancilla qubit quantum routine. QuCNN is validated by applying a convolutional layer with a data state and a filter state over a small subset of MNIST images, comparing the back propagated gradients, and training a filter state against an ideal target state.