Abstract:To promote constructive discussion of controversial topics online, we propose automatic reframing of disagreeing responses to signal receptiveness while preserving meaning. Drawing on research from psychology, communications, and linguistics, we identify six strategies for reframing. We automatically reframe replies according to each strategy, using a dataset of Reddit comments and replies. Through human-centered experiments, we find that the replies generated with our framework are perceived to be significantly more receptive than the original replies, as well as a generic receptiveness baseline. We analyze and discuss the implications of our results and highlight applications to content moderation. Overall, we illustrate how transforming receptiveness, a particular social science construct, into a computational framework, can make LLM generations more aligned with human perceptions.
Abstract:Natural language processing methods have been applied in a variety of music studies, drawing the connection between music and language. In this paper, we expand those approaches by investigating \textit{chord embeddings}, which we apply in two case studies to address two key questions: (1) what musical information do chord embeddings capture?; and (2) how might musical applications benefit from them? In our analysis, we show that they capture similarities between chords that adhere to important relationships described in music theory. In the first case study, we demonstrate that using chord embeddings in a next chord prediction task yields predictions that more closely match those by experienced musicians. In the second case study, we show the potential benefits of using the representations in tasks related to musical stylometrics.