Abstract:Person image synthesis with controllable body poses and appearances is an essential task owing to the practical needs in the context of virtual try-on, image editing and video production. However, existing methods face significant challenges with details missing, limbs distortion and the garment style deviation. To address these issues, we propose a Disentangled Representations Diffusion Model (DRDM) to generate photo-realistic images from source portraits in specific desired poses and appearances. First, a pose encoder is responsible for encoding pose features into a high-dimensional space to guide the generation of person images. Second, a body-part subspace decoupling block (BSDB) disentangles features from the different body parts of a source figure and feeds them to the various layers of the noise prediction block, thereby supplying the network with rich disentangled features for generating a realistic target image. Moreover, during inference, we develop a parsing map-based disentangled classifier-free guided sampling method, which amplifies the conditional signals of texture and pose. Extensive experimental results on the Deepfashion dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in achieving pose transfer and appearance control.
Abstract:Gait emotion recognition plays a crucial role in the intelligent system. Most of the existing methods recognize emotions by focusing on local actions over time. However, they ignore that the effective distances of different emotions in the time domain are different, and the local actions during walking are quite similar. Thus, emotions should be represented by global states instead of indirect local actions. To address these issues, a novel Multi Scale Adaptive Graph Convolution Network (MSA-GCN) is presented in this work through constructing dynamic temporal receptive fields and designing multiscale information aggregation to recognize emotions. In our model, a adaptive selective spatial-temporal graph convolution is designed to select the convolution kernel dynamically to obtain the soft spatio-temporal features of different emotions. Moreover, a Cross-Scale mapping Fusion Mechanism (CSFM) is designed to construct an adaptive adjacency matrix to enhance information interaction and reduce redundancy. Compared with previous state-of-the-art methods, the proposed method achieves the best performance on two public datasets, improving the mAP by 2\%. We also conduct extensive ablations studies to show the effectiveness of different components in our methods.