Abstract:Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) is a thriving research area with impressive outcomes being achieved on high-resource languages. However, the application of cross-lingual transfer to the ASTE task has been relatively unexplored, and current code-switching methods still suffer from term boundary detection issues and out-of-dictionary problems. In this study, we introduce a novel Test-Time Code-SWitching (TT-CSW) framework, which bridges the gap between the bilingual training phase and the monolingual test-time prediction. During training, a generative model is developed based on bilingual code-switched training data and can produce bilingual ASTE triplets for bilingual inputs. In the testing stage, we employ an alignment-based code-switching technique for test-time augmentation. Extensive experiments on cross-lingual ASTE datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposed method. We achieve an average improvement of 3.7% in terms of weighted-averaged F1 in four datasets with different languages. Additionally, we set a benchmark using ChatGPT and GPT-4, and demonstrate that even smaller generative models fine-tuned with our proposed TT-CSW framework surpass ChatGPT and GPT-4 by 14.2% and 5.0% respectively.