UniCA, CNRS, Inria, I3S
Abstract:Considerable research efforts have recently been made to show that a random neural network $N$ contains subnetworks capable of accurately approximating any given neural network that is sufficiently smaller than $N$, without any training. This line of research, known as the Strong Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (SLTH), was originally motivated by the weaker Lottery Ticket Hypothesis, which states that a sufficiently large random neural network $N$ contains \emph{sparse} subnetworks that can be trained efficiently to achieve performance comparable to that of training the entire network $N$. Despite its original motivation, results on the SLTH have so far not provided any guarantee on the size of subnetworks. Such limitation is due to the nature of the main technical tool leveraged by these results, the Random Subset Sum (RSS) Problem. Informally, the RSS Problem asks how large a random i.i.d. sample $\Omega$ should be so that we are able to approximate any number in $[-1,1]$, up to an error of $ \epsilon$, as the sum of a suitable subset of $\Omega$. We provide the first proof of the SLTH in classical settings, such as dense and equivariant networks, with guarantees on the sparsity of the subnetworks. Central to our results, is the proof of an essentially tight bound on the Random Fixed-Size Subset Sum Problem (RFSS), a variant of the RSS Problem in which we only ask for subsets of a given size, which is of independent interest.
Abstract:Communicating finite-state machines (CFMs) are a Turing powerful model of asynchronous message-passing distributed systems. In weakly synchronous systems, processes communicate through phases in which messages are first sent and then received, for each process. Such systems enjoy a limited form of synchronization, and for some communication models, this restriction is enough to make the reachability problem decidable. In particular, we explore the intriguing case of p2p (FIFO) communication, for which the reachability problem is known to be undecidable for four processes, but decidable for two. We show that the configuration reachability problem for weakly synchronous systems of three processes is undecidable. This result is heavily inspired by our study on the treewidth of the Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) that might be generated by such systems. In this sense, the main contribution of this work is a weakly synchronous system with three processes that generates MSCs of arbitrarily large treewidth.
Abstract:There is a wide variety of message-passing communication models, ranging from synchronous ''rendez-vous'' communications to fully asynchronous/out-of-order communications. For large-scale distributed systems, the communication model is determined by the transport layer of the network, and a few classes of orders of message delivery (FIFO, causally ordered) have been identified in the early days of distributed computing. For local-scale message-passing applications, e.g., running on a single machine, the communication model may be determined by the actual implementation of message buffers and by how FIFO queues are used. While large-scale communication models, such as causal ordering, are defined by logical axioms, local-scale models are often defined by an operational semantics. In this work, we connect these two approaches, and we present a unified hierarchy of communication models encompassing both large-scale and local-scale models, based on their non-sequential behaviors. We also show that all the communication models we consider can be axiomatised in the monadic second order logic, and may therefore benefit from several bounded verification techniques based on bounded special treewidth. CCS Concepts: $\bullet$ Theory of computation $\rightarrow$ Verification by model checking; Modal and temporal logics; Distributed computing models.