Abstract:The goal of mechanistic interpretability is discovering simpler, low-rank algorithms implemented by models. While we can compress activations into features, compressing nonlinear feature-maps -- like MLP layers -- is an open problem. In this work, we present the first case study in rigorously compressing nonlinear feature-maps, which are the leading asymptotic bottleneck to compressing small transformer models. We work in the classic setting of the modular addition models, and target a non-vacuous bound on the behaviour of the ReLU MLP in time linear in the parameter-count of the circuit. To study the ReLU MLP analytically, we use the infinite-width lens, which turns post-activation matrix multiplications into approximate integrals. We discover a novel interpretation of} the MLP layer in one-layer transformers implementing the ``pizza'' algorithm: the MLP can be understood as evaluating a quadrature scheme, where each neuron computes the area of a rectangle under the curve of a trigonometric integral identity. Our code is available at https://tinyurl.com/mod-add-integration.
Abstract:In this work, we propose using mechanistic interpretability -- techniques for reverse engineering model weights into human-interpretable algorithms -- to derive and compactly prove formal guarantees on model performance. We prototype this approach by formally proving lower bounds on the accuracy of 151 small transformers trained on a Max-of-$K$ task. We create 102 different computer-assisted proof strategies and assess their length and tightness of bound on each of our models. Using quantitative metrics, we find that shorter proofs seem to require and provide more mechanistic understanding. Moreover, we find that more faithful mechanistic understanding leads to tighter performance bounds. We confirm these connections by qualitatively examining a subset of our proofs. Finally, we identify compounding structureless noise as a key challenge for using mechanistic interpretability to generate compact proofs on model performance.
Abstract:In this work, we propose using mechanistic interpretability -- techniques for reverse engineering model weights into human-interpretable algorithms -- to derive and compactly prove formal guarantees on model performance. We prototype this approach by formally proving lower bounds on the accuracy of 151 small transformers trained on a Max-of-$K$ task. We create 102 different computer-assisted proof strategies and assess their length and tightness of bound on each of our models. Using quantitative metrics, we find that shorter proofs seem to require and provide more mechanistic understanding. Moreover, we find that more faithful mechanistic understanding leads to tighter performance bounds. We confirm these connections by qualitatively examining a subset of our proofs. Finally, we identify compounding structureless noise as a key challenge for using mechanistic interpretability to generate compact proofs on model performance.