Abstract:Recent retrieval-augmented models enhance basic methods by building a hierarchical structure over retrieved text chunks through recursive embedding, clustering, and summarization. The most relevant information is then retrieved from both the original text and generated summaries. However, such approaches face limitations with dynamic datasets, where adding or removing documents over time complicates the updating of hierarchical representations formed through clustering. We propose a new algorithm to efficiently maintain the recursive-abstractive tree structure in dynamic datasets, without compromising performance. Additionally, we introduce a novel post-retrieval method that applies query-focused recursive abstractive processing to substantially improve context quality. Our method overcomes the limitations of other approaches by functioning as a black-box post-retrieval layer compatible with any retrieval algorithm. Both algorithms are validated through extensive experiments on real-world datasets, demonstrating their effectiveness in handling dynamic data and improving retrieval performance.
Abstract:The metric backbone of a weighted graph is the union of all-pairs shortest paths. It is obtained by removing all edges $(u,v)$ that are not the shortest path between $u$ and $v$. In networks with well-separated communities, the metric backbone tends to preserve many inter-community edges, because these edges serve as bridges connecting two communities, but tends to delete many intra-community edges because the communities are dense. This suggests that the metric backbone would dilute or destroy the community structure of the network. However, this is not borne out by prior empirical work, which instead showed that the metric backbone of real networks preserves the community structure of the original network well. In this work, we analyze the metric backbone of a broad class of weighted random graphs with communities, and we formally prove the robustness of the community structure with respect to the deletion of all the edges that are not in the metric backbone. An empirical comparison of several graph sparsification techniques confirms our theoretical finding and shows that the metric backbone is an efficient sparsifier in the presence of communities.