Abstract:As graph representation learning often suffers from label scarcity problems in real-world applications, researchers have proposed graph domain adaptation (GDA) as an effective knowledge-transfer paradigm across graphs. In particular, to enhance model performance on target graphs with specific tasks, GDA introduces a bunch of task-related graphs as source graphs and adapts the knowledge learnt from source graphs to the target graphs. Since GDA combines the advantages of graph representation learning and domain adaptation, it has become a promising direction of transfer learning on graphs and has attracted an increasing amount of research interest in recent years. In this paper, we comprehensively overview the studies of GDA and present a detailed survey of recent advances. Specifically, we outline the research status and challenges, propose a taxonomy, introduce the details of representative works, and discuss the prospects. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first survey for graph domain adaptation. A detailed paper list is available at https://github.com/Skyorca/Awesome-Graph-Domain-Adaptation-Papers.
Abstract:Graph domain adaptation models are widely adopted in cross-network learning tasks, with the aim of transferring labeling or structural knowledge. Currently, there mainly exist two limitations in evaluating graph domain adaptation models. On one side, they are primarily tested for the specific cross-network node classification task, leaving tasks at edge-level and graph-level largely under-explored. Moreover, they are primarily tested in limited scenarios, such as social networks or citation networks, lacking validation of model's capability in richer scenarios. As comprehensively assessing models could enhance model practicality in real-world applications, we propose a benchmark, known as OpenGDA. It provides abundant pre-processed and unified datasets for different types of tasks (node, edge, graph). They originate from diverse scenarios, covering web information systems, urban systems and natural systems. Furthermore, it integrates state-of-the-art models with standardized and end-to-end pipelines. Overall, OpenGDA provides a user-friendly, scalable and reproducible benchmark for evaluating graph domain adaptation models. The benchmark experiments highlight the challenges of applying GDA models to real-world applications with consistent good performance, and potentially provide insights to future research. As an emerging project, OpenGDA will be regularly updated with new datasets and models. It could be accessed from https://github.com/Skyorca/OpenGDA.