Abstract:Safe exploration aims at addressing the limitations of Reinforcement Learning (RL) in safety-critical scenarios, where failures during trial-and-error learning may incur high costs. Several methods exist to incorporate external knowledge or to use proximal sensor data to limit the exploration of unsafe states. However, reducing exploration risks in unknown environments, where an agent must discover safety threats during exploration, remains challenging. In this paper, we target the problem of safe exploration by guiding the training with counterexamples of the safety requirement. Our method abstracts both continuous and discrete state-space systems into compact abstract models representing the safety-relevant knowledge acquired by the agent during exploration. We then exploit probabilistic counterexample generation to construct minimal simulation submodels eliciting safety requirement violations, where the agent can efficiently train offline to refine its policy towards minimising the risk of safety violations during the subsequent online exploration. We demonstrate our method's effectiveness in reducing safety violations during online exploration in preliminary experiments by an average of 40.3% compared with QL and DQN standard algorithms and 29.1% compared with previous related work, while achieving comparable cumulative rewards with respect to unrestricted exploration and alternative approaches.
Abstract:Probabilistic software analysis aims at quantifying the probability of a target event occurring during the execution of a program processing uncertain incoming data or written itself using probabilistic programming constructs. Recent techniques combine classic static analysis methods with inference procedure to obtain accurate quantification of the probability of rare target events, such as failures in a mission-critical system. However, current techniques face several scalability and applicability limitations when analyzing software processing with high-dimensional multivariate distributions. In this paper, we present SYMbolic Parallel Adaptive Importance Sampling (SYMPAIS), a new algorithm that combines symbolic execution with adaptive importance sampling to analyze probabilistic programs. Our method provides a general solution that scales to systems with high-dimensional inputs and demonstrates superior performance in quantifying rare events compared to prior work. Preliminary experimental results support the potential efficacy of our solution.