Abstract:This work focuses on the gradient flow dynamics of a neural network model that uses correlation loss to approximate a multi-index function on high-dimensional standard Gaussian data. Specifically, the multi-index function we consider is a sum of neurons $f^*(x) \!=\! \sum_{j=1}^k \! \sigma^*(v_j^T x)$ where $v_1, \dots, v_k$ are unit vectors, and $\sigma^*$ lacks the first and second Hermite polynomials in its Hermite expansion. It is known that, for the single-index case ($k\!=\!1$), overcoming the search phase requires polynomial time complexity. We first generalize this result to multi-index functions characterized by vectors in arbitrary directions. After the search phase, it is not clear whether the network neurons converge to the index vectors, or get stuck at a sub-optimal solution. When the index vectors are orthogonal, we give a complete characterization of the fixed points and prove that neurons converge to the nearest index vectors. Therefore, using $n \! \asymp \! k \log k$ neurons ensures finding the full set of index vectors with gradient flow with high probability over random initialization. When $ v_i^T v_j \!=\! \beta \! \geq \! 0$ for all $i \neq j$, we prove the existence of a sharp threshold $\beta_c \!=\! c/(c+k)$ at which the fixed point that computes the average of the index vectors transitions from a saddle point to a minimum. Numerical simulations show that using a correlation loss and a mild overparameterization suffices to learn all of the index vectors when they are nearly orthogonal, however, the correlation loss fails when the dot product between the index vectors exceeds a certain threshold.
Abstract:Any continuous function $f^*$ can be approximated arbitrarily well by a neural network with sufficiently many neurons $k$. We consider the case when $f^*$ itself is a neural network with one hidden layer and $k$ neurons. Approximating $f^*$ with a neural network with $n< k$ neurons can thus be seen as fitting an under-parameterized "student" network with $n$ neurons to a "teacher" network with $k$ neurons. As the student has fewer neurons than the teacher, it is unclear, whether each of the $n$ student neurons should copy one of the teacher neurons or rather average a group of teacher neurons. For shallow neural networks with erf activation function and for the standard Gaussian input distribution, we prove that "copy-average" configurations are critical points if the teacher's incoming vectors are orthonormal and its outgoing weights are unitary. Moreover, the optimum among such configurations is reached when $n-1$ student neurons each copy one teacher neuron and the $n$-th student neuron averages the remaining $k-n+1$ teacher neurons. For the student network with $n=1$ neuron, we provide additionally a closed-form solution of the non-trivial critical point(s) for commonly used activation functions through solving an equivalent constrained optimization problem. Empirically, we find for the erf activation function that gradient flow converges either to the optimal copy-average critical point or to another point where each student neuron approximately copies a different teacher neuron. Finally, we find similar results for the ReLU activation function, suggesting that the optimal solution of underparameterized networks has a universal structure.