Abstract:Geological Carbon Storage (GCS) is a key technology for achieving global climate goals by capturing and storing CO2 in deep geological formations. Its effectiveness and safety rely on accurate monitoring of subsurface CO2 migration using advanced time-lapse seismic imaging. A Digital Shadow framework integrates field data, including seismic and borehole measurements, to track CO2 saturation over time. Machine learning-assisted data assimilation techniques, such as generative AI and nonlinear ensemble Bayesian filtering, update a digital model of the CO2 plume while incorporating uncertainties in reservoir properties. Compared to 2D approaches, 3D monitoring enhances the spatial accuracy of GCS assessments, capturing the full extent of CO2 migration. This study extends the uncertainty-aware 2D Digital Shadow framework by incorporating 3D seismic imaging and reservoir modeling, improving decision-making and risk mitigation in CO2 storage projects.
Abstract:To meet climate targets, the IPCC underscores the necessity of technologies capable of removing gigatonnes of CO2 annually, with Geological Carbon Storage (GCS) playing a central role. GCS involves capturing CO2 and injecting it into deep geological formations for long-term storage, requiring precise monitoring to ensure containment and prevent leakage. Time-lapse seismic imaging is essential for tracking CO2 migration but often struggles to capture the complexities of multi-phase subsurface flow. Digital Shadows (DS), leveraging machine learning-driven data assimilation techniques such as nonlinear Bayesian filtering and generative AI, provide a more detailed, uncertainty-aware monitoring approach. By incorporating uncertainties in reservoir properties, DS frameworks improve CO2 migration forecasts, reducing risks in GCS operations. However, data assimilation depends on assumptions regarding reservoir properties, rock physics models, and initial conditions, which, if inaccurate, can compromise prediction reliability. This study demonstrates that augmenting forecast ensembles with diverse rock physics models mitigates the impact of incorrect assumptions and improves predictive accuracy, particularly in differentiating uniform versus patchy saturation models.
Abstract:Reducing CO$_2$ emissions is crucial to mitigating climate change. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the few technologies capable of achieving net-negative CO$_2$ emissions. However, predicting fluid flow patterns in CCS remains challenging due to uncertainties in CO$_2$ plume dynamics and reservoir properties. Building on existing seismic imaging methods like the Joint Recovery Method (JRM), which lacks uncertainty quantification, we propose the Probabilistic Joint Recovery Method (pJRM). By estimating posterior distributions across surveys using a shared generative model, pJRM provides uncertainty information to improve risk assessment in CCS projects.
Abstract:Geological Carbon Storage GCS is arguably the only scalable net-negative CO2 emission technology available While promising subsurface complexities and heterogeneity of reservoir properties demand a systematic approach to quantify uncertainty when optimizing production and mitigating storage risks which include assurances of Containment and Conformance of injected supercritical CO2 As a first step towards the design and implementation of a Digital Twin for monitoring underground storage operations a machine learning based data-assimilation framework is introduced and validated on carefully designed realistic numerical simulations As our implementation is based on Bayesian inference but does not yet support control and decision-making we coin our approach an uncertainty-aware Digital Shadow To characterize the posterior distribution for the state of CO2 plumes conditioned on multi-modal time-lapse data the envisioned Shadow combines techniques from Simulation-Based Inference SBI and Ensemble Bayesian Filtering to establish probabilistic baselines and assimilate multi-modal data for GCS problems that are challenged by large degrees of freedom nonlinear multi-physics non-Gaussianity and computationally expensive to evaluate fluid flow and seismic simulations To enable SBI for dynamic systems a recursive scheme is proposed where the Digital Shadows neural networks are trained on simulated ensembles for their state and observed data well and/or seismic Once training is completed the systems state is inferred when time-lapse field data becomes available In this computational study we observe that a lack of knowledge on the permeability field can be factored into the Digital Shadows uncertainty quantification To our knowledge this work represents the first proof of concept of an uncertainty-aware in-principle scalable Digital Shadow.
Abstract:As the global deployment of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology intensifies in the fight against climate change, it becomes increasingly imperative to establish robust monitoring and detection mechanisms for potential underground CO2 leakage, particularly through pre-existing or induced faults in the storage reservoir's seals. While techniques such as history matching and time-lapse seismic monitoring of CO2 storage have been used successfully in tracking the evolution of CO2 plumes in the subsurface, these methods lack principled approaches to characterize uncertainties related to the CO2 plumes' behavior. Inclusion of systematic assessment of uncertainties is essential for risk mitigation for the following reasons: (i) CO2 plume-induced changes are small and seismic data is noisy; (ii) changes between regular and irregular (e.g., caused by leakage) flow patterns are small; and (iii) the reservoir properties that control the flow are strongly heterogeneous and typically only available as distributions. To arrive at a formulation capable of inferring flow patterns for regular and irregular flow from well and seismic data, the performance of conditional normalizing flow will be analyzed on a series of carefully designed numerical experiments. While the inferences presented are preliminary in the context of an early CO2 leakage detection system, the results do indicate that inferences with conditional normalizing flows can produce high-fidelity estimates for CO2 plumes with or without leakage. We are also confident that the inferred uncertainty is reasonable because it correlates well with the observed errors. This uncertainty stems from noise in the seismic data and from the lack of precise knowledge of the reservoir's fluid flow properties.
Abstract:With the growing global deployment of carbon capture and sequestration technology to combat climate change, monitoring and detection of potential CO2 leakage through existing or storage induced faults are critical to the safe and long-term viability of the technology. Recent work on time-lapse seismic monitoring of CO2 storage has shown promising results in its ability to monitor the growth of the CO2 plume from surface recorded seismic data. However, due to the low sensitivity of seismic imaging to CO2 concentration, additional developments are required to efficiently interpret the seismic images for leakage. In this work, we introduce a binary classification of time-lapse seismic images to delineate CO2 plumes (leakage) using state-of-the-art deep learning models. Additionally, we localize the leakage region of CO2 plumes by leveraging Class Activation Mapping methods.