Skyline detection plays an important role in geolocalizaion, flight control, visual navigation, port security, etc. The appearance of the sky and non-sky areas are variable, because of different weather or illumination environment, which brings challenges to skyline detection. In this research, we proposed the YUNet algorithm, which improved the YOLOv11 architecture to segment the sky region and extract the skyline in complicated and variable circumstances. To improve the ability of multi-scale and large range contextual feature fusion, the YOLOv11 architecture is extended as an UNet-like architecture, consisting of an encoder, neck and decoder submodule. The encoder extracts the multi-scale features from the given images. The neck makes fusion of these multi-scale features. The decoder applies the fused features to complete the prediction rebuilding. To validate the proposed approach, the YUNet was tested on Skyfinder and CH1 datasets for segmentation and skyline detection respectively. Our test shows that the IoU of YUnet segmentation can reach 0.9858, and the average error of YUnet skyline detection is just 1.36 pixels. The implementation is published at