Currently, contextualized word representations are learned by intricate neural network models, such as masked neural language models (MNLMs). The new representations significantly enhanced the performance in automated question answering by reading paragraphs. However, identifying the detailed knowledge trained in the MNLMs is difficult owing to numerous and intermingled parameters. This paper provides empirical but insightful analyses on the pretrained MNLMs with respect to common sense knowledge. First, we propose a test that measures what types of common sense knowledge do pretrained MNLMs understand. From the test, we observed that MNLMs partially understand various types of common sense knowledge but do not accurately understand the semantic meaning of relations. In addition, based on the difficulty of the question-answering task problems, we observed that pretrained MLM-based models are still vulnerable to problems that require common sense knowledge. We also experimentally demonstrated that we can elevate existing MNLM-based models by combining knowledge from an external common sense repository.