Training neural networks with verifiable robustness guarantees is challenging. Several existing successful approaches utilize relatively tight linear relaxation based bounds of neural network outputs, but they can slow down training by a factor of hundreds and over-regularize the network. Meanwhile, interval bound propagation (IBP) based training is efficient and significantly outperform linear relaxation based methods on some tasks, yet it suffers from stability issues since the bounds are much looser. In this paper, we first interpret IBP training as training an augmented network which computes non-linear bounds, thus explaining its good performance. We then propose a new certified adversarial training method, CROWN-IBP, by combining the fast IBP bounds in the forward pass and a tight linear relaxation based bound, CROWN, in the backward pass. The proposed method is computationally efficient and consistently outperforms IBP baselines on training verifiably robust neural networks. We conduct large scale experiments using 53 models on MNIST, Fashion-MNIST and CIFAR datasets. On MNIST with $\epsilon=0.3$ and $\epsilon=0.4$ ($\ell_\infty$ norm distortion) we achieve 7.46\% and 12.96\% verified error on test set, respectively, outperforming previous certified defense methods.