The ability to synthesize long-term human motion sequences in real-world scenes can facilitate numerous applications. Previous approaches for scene-aware motion synthesis are constrained by pre-defined target objects or positions and thus limit the diversity of human-scene interactions for synthesized motions. In this paper, we focus on the problem of synthesizing diverse scene-aware human motions under the guidance of target action sequences. To achieve this, we first decompose the diversity of scene-aware human motions into three aspects, namely interaction diversity (e.g. sitting on different objects with different poses in the given scenes), path diversity (e.g. moving to the target locations following different paths), and the motion diversity (e.g. having various body movements during moving). Based on this factorized scheme, a hierarchical framework is proposed, with each sub-module responsible for modeling one aspect. We assess the effectiveness of our framework on two challenging datasets for scene-aware human motion synthesis. The experiment results show that the proposed framework remarkably outperforms previous methods in terms of diversity and naturalness.