Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) use advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence to significantly improve traffic flow management efficiency, and promote the intelligent development of the transportation industry. However, if the data in ITS is attacked, such as tampering or forgery, it will endanger public safety and cause social losses. Therefore, this paper proposes a watermarking that can verify the integrity of copyright in response to the needs of ITS, termed ITSmark. ITSmark focuses on functions such as extracting watermarks, verifying permission, and tracing tampered locations. The scheme uses the copyright information to build the multi-bit space and divides this space into multiple segments. These segments will be assigned to tokens. Thus, the next token is determined by its segment which contains the copyright. In this way, the obtained data contains the custom watermark. To ensure the authorization, key parameters are encrypted during copyright embedding to obtain cipher data. Only by possessing the correct cipher data and private key, can the user entirely extract the watermark. Experiments show that ITSmark surpasses baseline performances in data quality, extraction accuracy, and unforgeability. It also shows unique capabilities of permission verification and tampered location tracing, which ensures the security of extraction and the reliability of copyright verification. Furthermore, ITSmark can also customize the watermark embedding position and proportion according to user needs, making embedding more flexible.