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Abstract:This paper focuses on semi-supervised crowd counting, where only a small portion of the training data are labeled. We formulate the pixel-wise density value to regress as a probability distribution, instead of a single deterministic value. On this basis, we propose a semi-supervised crowd-counting model. Firstly, we design a pixel-wise distribution matching loss to measure the differences in the pixel-wise density distributions between the prediction and the ground truth; Secondly, we enhance the transformer decoder by using density tokens to specialize the forwards of decoders w.r.t. different density intervals; Thirdly, we design the interleaving consistency self-supervised learning mechanism to learn from unlabeled data efficiently. Extensive experiments on four datasets are performed to show that our method clearly outperforms the competitors by a large margin under various labeled ratio settings. Code will be released at
* This is the technical report of a paper that was submitted to IEEE
Transactions and is now under review