Digital ink (online handwriting) generation has a number of potential applications for creating user-visible content, such as handwriting autocompletion, spelling correction, and beautification. Writing is personal and usually the processing is done on-device. Ink generative models thus need to produce high quality content quickly, in a resource constrained environment. In this work, we study ways to maximize the quality of the output of a trained digital ink generative model, while staying within an inference time budget. We use and compare the effect of multiple sampling and ranking techniques, in the first ablation study of its kind in the digital ink domain. We confirm our findings on multiple datasets - writing in English and Vietnamese, as well as mathematical formulas - using two model types and two common ink data representations. In all combinations, we report a meaningful improvement in the recognizability of the synthetic inks, in some cases more than halving the character error rate metric, and describe a way to select the optimal combination of sampling and ranking techniques for any given computational budget.