Recent works use the Neural radiance field (NeRF) to perform multi-view 3D reconstruction, providing a significant leap in rendering photorealistic scenes. However, despite its efficacy, NeRF exhibits limited capability of learning view-dependent effects compared to light field rendering or image-based view synthesis. To that end, we introduce a modification to the NeRF rendering equation which is as simple as a few lines of code change for any NeRF variations, while greatly improving the rendering quality of view-dependent effects. By swapping the integration operator and the direction decoder network, we only integrate the positional features along the ray and move the directional terms out of the integration, resulting in a disentanglement of the view-dependent and independent components. The modified equation is equivalent to the classical volumetric rendering in ideal cases on object surfaces with Dirac densities. Furthermore, we prove that with the errors caused by network approximation and numerical integration, our rendering equation exhibits better convergence properties with lower error accumulations compared to the classical NeRF. We also show that the modified equation can be interpreted as light field rendering with learned ray embeddings. Experiments on different NeRF variations show consistent improvements in the quality of view-dependent effects with our simple modification.