Applying Deep Learning (DL) models to graphical causal learning has brought outstanding effectiveness and efficiency but is still far from widespread use in domain sciences. In research of EHR (Electronic Healthcare Records), we realize that some confounding bias inherently exists in the causally formed data, which DL cannot automatically adjust. Trace to the source is because the Acyclic Causal Graph can be Multi-Dimensional, so the bias and causal learning happen in two subspaces, which makes it unobservable from the learning process. This paper initially raises the concept of Dimensionality for causal graphs. In our case, the 3-Dimensional DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) space is defined by the axes of causal variables, the Absolute timeline, and Relative timelines; This is also the essential difference between Causality and Correlation problems. We propose a novel new framework Causal Representation Learning (CRL), to realize Graphical Causal Learning in latent space, which aims to provide general solutions for 1) the inherent bias adjustment and 2) the DL causal models generalization problem. We will also demonstrate the realization of CRL with originally designed architecture and experimentally confirm its feasibility.