Following the successful 2023 edition, we organised the Second Perception Test challenge as a half-day workshop alongside the IEEE/CVF European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024, with the goal of benchmarking state-of-the-art video models and measuring the progress since last year using the Perception Test benchmark. This year, the challenge had seven tracks (up from six last year) and covered low-level and high-level tasks, with language and non-language interfaces, across video, audio, and text modalities; the additional track covered hour-long video understanding and introduced a novel video QA benchmark 1h-walk VQA. Overall, the tasks in the different tracks were: object tracking, point tracking, temporal action localisation, temporal sound localisation, multiple-choice video question-answering, grounded video question-answering, and hour-long video question-answering. We summarise in this report the challenge tasks and results, and introduce in detail the novel hour-long video QA benchmark 1h-walk VQA.