We work towards a unifying paradigm for accelerating policy optimization methods in reinforcement learning (RL) through \emph{optimism} \& \emph{adaptivity}. Leveraging the deep connection between policy iteration and policy gradient methods, we recast seemingly unrelated policy optimization algorithms as the repeated application of two interleaving steps (i) an \emph{optimistic policy improvement operator} maps a prior policy $\pi_t$ to a hypothesis $\pi_{t+1}$ using a \emph{gradient ascent prediction}, followed by (ii) a \emph{hindsight adaptation} of the optimistic prediction based on a partial evaluation of the performance of $\pi_{t+1}$. We use this shared lens to jointly express other well-known algorithms, including soft and optimistic policy iteration, natural actor-critic methods, model-based policy improvement based on forward search, and meta-learning algorithms. By doing so, we shed light on collective theoretical properties related to acceleration via optimism \& adaptivity. Building on these insights, we design an \emph{adaptive \& optimistic policy gradient} algorithm via meta-gradient learning, and empirically highlight several design choices pertaining to optimism, in an illustrative task.