Cooperative-integrated sensing and communication (C-ISAC) networks have emerged as promising solutions for communication and target sensing. However, imperfect channel state information (CSI) estimation and time synchronization (TS) errors degrade performance, affecting communication and sensing accuracy. This paper addresses these challenges {by employing} {movable antennas} (MAs) to enhance C-ISAC robustness. We analyze the impact of CSI errors on achievable rates and introduce a hybrid Cramer-Rao lower bound (HCRLB) to evaluate the effect of TS errors on target localization accuracy. Based on these models, we derive the worst-case achievable rate and sensing precision under such errors. We optimize cooperative beamforming, {base station (BS)} selection factor and MA position to minimize power consumption while ensuring accuracy. {We then propose a} constrained deep reinforcement learning (C-DRL) approach to solve this non-convex optimization problem, using a modified deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) algorithm with a Wolpertinger architecture for efficient training under complex constraints. {Simulation results show that the proposed method significantly improves system robustness against CSI and TS errors, where robustness mean reliable data transmission under poor channel conditions.} These findings demonstrate the potential of MA technology to reduce power consumption in imperfect CSI and TS environments.