Few-Shot Learning (FSL) aims to recognize new classes with limited labeled data. Recent studies have attempted to address the challenge of rare samples with textual prompts to modulate visual features. However, they usually struggle to capture complex semantic relationships between textual and visual features. Moreover, vanilla self-attention is heavily affected by useless information in images, severely constraining the potential of semantic priors in FSL due to the confusion of numerous irrelevant tokens during interaction. To address these aforementioned issues, a K-NN Transformer with Pyramid Prompts (KTPP) is proposed to select discriminative information with K-NN Context Attention (KCA) and adaptively modulate visual features with Pyramid Cross-modal Prompts (PCP). First, for each token, the KCA only selects the K most relevant tokens to compute the self-attention matrix and incorporates the mean of all tokens as the context prompt to provide the global context in three cascaded stages. As a result, irrelevant tokens can be progressively suppressed. Secondly, pyramid prompts are introduced in the PCP to emphasize visual features via interactions between text-based class-aware prompts and multi-scale visual features. This allows the ViT to dynamically adjust the importance weights of visual features based on rich semantic information at different scales, making models robust to spatial variations. Finally, augmented visual features and class-aware prompts are interacted via the KCA to extract class-specific features. Consequently, our model further enhances noise-free visual representations via deep cross-modal interactions, extracting generalized visual representation in scenarios with few labeled samples. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.