Importance sampling, which involves sampling from a probability density function (PDF) proportional to the product of an importance weight function and a base PDF, is a powerful technique with applications in variance reduction, biased or customized sampling, data augmentation, and beyond. Inspired by the growing availability of score-based generative models (SGMs), we propose an entirely training-free Importance sampling framework that relies solely on an SGM for the base PDF. Our key innovation is realizing the importance sampling process as a backward diffusion process, expressed in terms of the score function of the base PDF and the specified importance weight function--both readily available--eliminating the need for any additional training. We conduct a thorough analysis demonstrating the method's scalability and effectiveness across diverse datasets and tasks, including importance sampling for industrial and natural images with neural importance weight functions. The training-free aspect of our method is particularly compelling in real-world scenarios where a single base distribution underlies multiple biased sampling tasks, each requiring a different importance weight function. To the best of our knowledge our approach is the first importance sampling framework to achieve this.