By converting low-frame-rate, low-resolution videos into high-frame-rate, high-resolution ones, space-time video super-resolution techniques can enhance visual experiences and facilitate more efficient information dissemination. We propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) for space-time video super-resolution, namely GIRNet. To generate highly accurate features and thus improve performance, the proposed network integrates a feature-level temporal interpolation module with deformable convolutions and a global spatial-temporal information-based residual convolutional long short-term memory (convLSTM) module. In the feature-level temporal interpolation module, we leverage deformable convolution, which adapts to deformations and scale variations of objects across different scene locations. This presents a more efficient solution than conventional convolution for extracting features from moving objects. Our network effectively uses forward and backward feature information to determine inter-frame offsets, leading to the direct generation of interpolated frame features. In the global spatial-temporal information-based residual convLSTM module, the first convLSTM is used to derive global spatial-temporal information from the input features, and the second convLSTM uses the previously computed global spatial-temporal information feature as its initial cell state. This second convLSTM adopts residual connections to preserve spatial information, thereby enhancing the output features. Experiments on the Vimeo90K dataset show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in peak signal-to-noise-ratio (by 1.45 dB, 1.14 dB, and 0.02 dB over STARnet, TMNet, and 3DAttGAN, respectively), structural similarity index(by 0.027, 0.023, and 0.006 over STARnet, TMNet, and 3DAttGAN, respectively), and visually.