Capturing the diversity of people in images is challenging: recent literature tends to focus on diversifying one or two attributes, requiring expensive attribute labels or building classifiers. We introduce a diverse people image ranking method which more flexibly aligns with human notions of people diversity in a less prescriptive, label-free manner. The Perception-Aligned Text-derived Human representation Space (PATHS) aims to capture all or many relevant features of people-related diversity, and, when used as the representation space in the standard Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR) ranking algorithm, is better able to surface a range of types of people-related diversity (e.g. disability, cultural attire). PATHS is created in two stages. First, a text-guided approach is used to extract a person-diversity representation from a pre-trained image-text model. Then this representation is fine-tuned on perception judgments from human annotators so that it captures the aspects of people-related similarity that humans find most salient. Empirical results show that the PATHS method achieves diversity better than baseline methods, according to side-by-side ratings from human annotators.