Automating long-horizon tasks with a robotic arm has been a central research topic in robotics. Optimization-based action planning is an efficient approach for creating an action plan to complete a given task. Construction of a reliable planning method requires a design process of conditions, e.g., to avoid collision between objects. The design process, however, has two critical issues: 1) iterative trials--the design process is time-consuming due to the trial-and-error process of modifying conditions, and 2) manual redesign--it is difficult to cover all the necessary conditions manually. To tackle these issues, this paper proposes a future-predictive success-or-failure-classification method to obtain conditions automatically. The key idea behind the proposed method is an end-to-end approach for determining whether the action plan can complete a given task instead of manually redesigning the conditions. The proposed method uses a long-horizon future-prediction method to enable success-or-failure classification without the execution of an action plan. This paper also proposes a regularization term called transition consistency regularization to provide easy-to-predict feature distribution. The regularization term improves future prediction and classification performance. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated through classification and robotic-manipulation experiments.