We present a novel 5-step framework called Fine-Tuned Offline Reinforcement Learning Augmented Process Sequence Optimization (FORLAPS), which aims to identify optimal execution paths in business processes using reinforcement learning. We implemented this approach on real-life event logs from our case study an energy regulator in Canada and other real-life event logs, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed method. Additionally, to compare FORLAPS with the existing models (Permutation Feature Importance and multi-task LSTM-Based model), we experimented to evaluate its effectiveness in terms of resource savings and process time span reduction. The experimental results on real-life event log validate that FORLAPS achieves 31% savings in resource time spent and a 23% reduction in process time span. Using this innovative data augmentation technique, we propose a fine-tuned reinforcement learning approach that aims to automatically fine-tune the model by selectively increasing the average estimated Q-value in the sampled batches. The results show that we obtained a 44% performance improvement compared to the pre-trained model. This study introduces an innovative evaluation model, benchmarking its performance against earlier works using nine publicly available datasets. Robustness is ensured through experiments utilizing the Damerau-Levenshtein distance as the primary metric. In addition, we discussed the suitability of datasets, taking into account their inherent properties, to evaluate the performance of different models. The proposed model, FORLAPS, demonstrated exceptional performance, outperforming existing state-of-the-art approaches in suggesting the most optimal policies or predicting the best next activities within a process trace.