Generating dense multiview images from text prompts is crucial for creating high-fidelity 3D assets. Nevertheless, existing methods struggle with space-view correspondences, resulting in sparse and low-quality outputs. In this paper, we introduce CoSER, a novel consistent dense Multiview Text-to-Image Generator for Text-to-3D, achieving both efficiency and quality by meticulously learning neighbor-view coherence and further alleviating ambiguity through the swift traversal of all views. For achieving neighbor-view consistency, each viewpoint densely interacts with adjacent viewpoints to perceive the global spatial structure, and aggregates information along motion paths explicitly defined by physical principles to refine details. To further enhance cross-view consistency and alleviate content drift, CoSER rapidly scan all views in spiral bidirectional manner to aware holistic information and then scores each point based on semantic material. Subsequently, we conduct weighted down-sampling along the spatial dimension based on scores, thereby facilitating prominent information fusion across all views with lightweight computation. Technically, the core module is built by integrating the attention mechanism with a selective state space model, exploiting the robust learning capabilities of the former and the low overhead of the latter. Extensive evaluation shows that CoSER is capable of producing dense, high-fidelity, content-consistent multiview images that can be flexibly integrated into various 3D generation models.