Creating labeled natural language training data is expensive and requires significant human effort. We mine input output examples from large corpora using a supervised mining function trained using a small seed set of only 100 examples. The mining consists of two stages -- (1) a biencoder-based recall-oriented dense search which pairs inputs with potential outputs, and (2) a crossencoder-based filter which re-ranks the output of the biencoder stage for better precision. Unlike model-generated data augmentation, our method mines naturally occurring high-quality input output pairs to mimic the style of the seed set for multiple tasks. On SQuAD-style reading comprehension, augmenting the seed set with the mined data results in an improvement of 13 F1 over a BART-large baseline fine-tuned only on the seed set. Likewise, we see improvements of 1.46 ROUGE-L on Xsum abstractive summarization.