Desirable random graph models (RGMs) should (i) be tractable so that we can compute and control graph statistics, and (ii) generate realistic structures such as high clustering (i.e., high subgraph densities). A popular category of RGMs (e.g., Erdos-Renyi and stochastic Kronecker) outputs edge probabilities, and we need to realize (i.e., sample from) the edge probabilities to generate graphs. Typically, each edge (in)existence is assumed to be determined independently. However, with edge independency, RGMs theoretically cannot produce high subgraph densities unless they "replicate" input graphs. In this work, we explore realization beyond edge independence that can produce more realistic structures while ensuring high tractability. Specifically, we propose edge-dependent realization schemes called binding and derive closed-form tractability results on subgraph (e.g., triangle) densities in graphs generated with binding. We propose algorithms for graph generation with binding and parameter fitting of binding. We empirically validate that binding exhibits high tractability and generates realistic graphs with high clustering, significantly improving upon existing RGMs assuming edge independency.