Traditional music search engines rely on retrieval methods that match natural language queries with music metadata. There have been increasing efforts to expand retrieval methods to consider the audio characteristics of music itself, using queries of various modalities including text, video, and speech. Most approaches aim to match general music semantics to the input queries, while only a few focus on affective qualities. We address the task of retrieving emotionally-relevant music from image queries by proposing a framework for learning an affective alignment between images and music audio. Our approach focuses on learning an emotion-aligned joint embedding space between images and music. This joint embedding space is learned via emotion-supervised contrastive learning, using an adapted cross-modal version of the SupCon loss. We directly evaluate the joint embeddings with cross-modal retrieval tasks (image-to-music and music-to-image) based on emotion labels. In addition, we investigate the generalizability of the learned music embeddings with automatic music tagging as a downstream task. Our experiments show that our approach successfully aligns images and music, and that the learned embedding space is effective for cross-modal retrieval applications.