Deep neural networks have achieved remarkable performance in retrieval-based dialogue systems, but they are shown to be ill calibrated. Though basic calibration methods like Monte Carlo Dropout and Ensemble can calibrate well, these methods are time-consuming in the training or inference stages. To tackle these challenges, we propose an efficient uncertainty calibration framework GPF-BERT for BERT-based conversational search, which employs a Gaussian Process layer and the focal loss on top of the BERT architecture to achieve a high-quality neural ranker. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of our method. In comparison with basic calibration methods, GPF-BERT achieves the lowest empirical calibration error (ECE) in three in-domain datasets and the distributional shift tasks, while yielding the highest $R_{10}@1$ and MAP performance on most cases. In terms of time consumption, our GPF-BERT has an 8$\times$ speedup.