With the growing use of transformer-based language models in medicine, it is unclear how well these models generalize to nuclear medicine which has domain-specific vocabulary and unique reporting styles. In this study, we evaluated the value of domain adaptation in nuclear medicine by adapting language models for the purpose of 5-point Deauville score prediction based on clinical 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT reports. We retrospectively retrieved 4542 text reports and 1664 images for FDG PET/CT lymphoma exams from 2008-2018 in our clinical imaging database. Deauville scores were removed from the reports and then the remaining text in the reports was used as the model input. Multiple general-purpose transformer language models were used to classify the reports into Deauville scores 1-5. We then adapted the models to the nuclear medicine domain using masked language modeling and assessed its impact on classification performance. The language models were compared against vision models, a multimodal vision language model, and a nuclear medicine physician with seven-fold Monte Carlo cross validation, reported are the mean and standard deviations. Domain adaption improved all language models. For example, BERT improved from 61.3% five-class accuracy to 65.7% following domain adaptation. The best performing model (domain-adapted RoBERTa) achieved a five-class accuracy of 77.4%, which was better than the physician's performance (66%), the best vision model's performance (48.1), and was similar to the multimodal model's performance (77.2). Domain adaptation improved the performance of large language models in interpreting nuclear medicine text reports.