Testing is a major approach to ensuring the quality of deep learning (DL) libraries. Existing testing techniques commonly adopt differential testing to relieve the need for test oracle construction. However, these techniques are limited in finding implementations that offer the same functionality and generating diverse test inputs for differential testing. This paper introduces DLLens, a novel differential testing technique for DL library testing. Our insight is that APIs in different DL libraries are commonly designed to accomplish various computations for the same set of published DL algorithms. Although the mapping of these APIs is not often one-to-one, we observe that their computations can be mutually simulated after proper composition and adaptation. The use of these simulation counterparts facilitates differential testing for the detection of functional DL library bugs. Leveraging the insight, we propose DLLens as a novel mechanism that utilizes a large language model (LLM) to synthesize valid counterparts of DL library APIs. To generate diverse test inputs, DLLens incorporates a static analysis method aided by LLM to extract path constraints from all execution paths in each API and its counterpart's implementations. These path constraints are then used to guide the generation of diverse test inputs. We evaluate DLLens on two popular DL libraries, TensorFlow and PyTorch. Our evaluation shows that DLLens can synthesize counterparts for more than twice as many APIs found by state-of-the-art techniques on these libraries. Moreover, DLLens can extract 26.7% more constraints and detect 2.5 times as many bugs as state-of-the-art techniques. DLLens has successfully found 56 bugs in recent TensorFlow and PyTorch libraries. Among them, 41 are previously unknown, 39 of which have been confirmed by developers after reporting, and 19 of those confirmed bugs have been fixed by developers.