Matching two sets of items, called set-to-set matching problem, is being recently raised. The difficulties of set-to-set matching over ordinary data matching lie in the exchangeability in 1) set-feature extraction and 2) set-matching score; the pair of sets and the items in each set should be exchangeable. In this paper, we propose a deep learning architecture for the set-to-set matching that overcomes the above difficulties, including two novel modules: 1) a cross-set transformation and 2) cross-similarity function. The former provides the exchangeable set-feature through interactions between two sets in intermediate layers, and the latter provides the exchangeable set matching through calculating the cross-feature similarity of items between two sets. We evaluate the methods through experiments with two industrial applications, fashion set recommendation, and group re-identification. Through these experiments, we show that the proposed methods perform better than a baseline given by an extension of the Set Transformer, the state-of-the-art set-input function.