The electronic design automation of analog circuits has been a longstanding challenge in the integrated circuit field due to the huge design space and complex design trade-offs among circuit specifications. In the past decades, intensive research efforts have mostly been paid to automate the transistor sizing with a given circuit topology. By recognizing the graph nature of circuits, this paper presents a Circuit Graph Neural Network (CktGNN) that simultaneously automates the circuit topology generation and device sizing based on the encoder-dependent optimization subroutines. Particularly, CktGNN encodes circuit graphs using a two-level GNN framework (of nested GNN) where circuits are represented as combinations of subgraphs in a known subgraph basis. In this way, it significantly improves design efficiency by reducing the number of subgraphs to perform message passing. Nonetheless, another critical roadblock to advancing learning-assisted circuit design automation is a lack of public benchmarks to perform canonical assessment and reproducible research. To tackle the challenge, we introduce Open Circuit Benchmark (OCB), an open-sourced dataset that contains $10$K distinct operational amplifiers with carefully-extracted circuit specifications. OCB is also equipped with communicative circuit generation and evaluation capabilities such that it can help to generalize CktGNN to design various analog circuits by producing corresponding datasets. Experiments on OCB show the extraordinary advantages of CktGNN through representation-based optimization frameworks over other recent powerful GNN baselines and human experts' manual designs. Our work paves the way toward a learning-based open-sourced design automation for analog circuits. Our source code is available at \url{