Double reinforcement learning (DRL) enables statistically efficient inference on the value of a policy in a nonparametric Markov Decision Process (MDP) given trajectories generated by another policy. However, this approach necessarily requires stringent overlap between the state distributions, which is often violated in practice. To relax this requirement and extend DRL, we study efficient inference on linear functionals of the $Q$-function (of which policy value is a special case) in infinite-horizon, time-invariant MDPs under semiparametric restrictions on the $Q$-function. These restrictions can reduce the overlap requirement and lower the efficiency bound, yielding more precise estimates. As an important example, we study the evaluation of long-term value under domain adaptation, given a few short trajectories from the new domain and restrictions on the difference between the domains. This can be used for long-term causal inference. Our method combines flexible estimates of the $Q$-function and the Riesz representer of the functional of interest (e.g., the stationary state density ratio for policy value) and is automatic in that we do not need to know the form of the latter - only the functional we care about. To address potential model misspecification bias, we extend the adaptive debiased machine learning (ADML) framework of \citet{van2023adaptive} to construct nonparametrically valid and superefficient estimators that adapt to the functional form of the $Q$-function. As a special case, we propose a novel adaptive debiased plug-in estimator that uses isotonic-calibrated fitted $Q$-iteration - a new calibration algorithm for MDPs - to circumvent the computational challenges of estimating debiasing nuisances from min-max objectives.