The idea of embedding optimization problems into deep neural networks as optimization layers to encode constraints and inductive priors has taken hold in recent years. Most existing methods focus on implicitly differentiating Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions in a way that requires expensive computations on the Jacobian matrix, which can be slow and memory-intensive. In this paper, we developed a new framework, named Alternating Differentiation (Alt-Diff), that differentiates optimization problems (here, specifically in the form of convex optimization problems with polyhedral constraints) in a fast and recursive way. Alt-Diff decouples the differentiation procedure into a primal update and a dual update in an alternating way. Accordingly, Alt-Diff substantially decreases the dimensions of the Jacobian matrix and thus significantly increases the computational speed of implicit differentiation. Further, we present the computational complexity of the forward and backward pass of Alt-Diff and show that Alt-Diff enjoys quadratic computational complexity in the backward pass. Another notable difference between Alt-Diff and state-of-the-arts is that Alt-Diff can be truncated for the optimization layer. We theoretically show that: 1) Alt-Diff can converge to consistent gradients obtained by differentiating KKT conditions; 2) the error between the gradient obtained by the truncated Alt-Diff and by differentiating KKT conditions is upper bounded by the same order of variables' truncation error. Therefore, Alt-Diff can be truncated to further increases computational speed without sacrificing much accuracy. A series of comprehensive experiments demonstrate that Alt-Diff yields results comparable to the state-of-the-arts in far less time.