Data mixing (e.g., Mixup, Cutmix, ResizeMix) is an essential component for advancing recognition models. In this paper, we focus on studying its effectiveness in the self-supervised setting. By noticing the mixed images that share the same source images are intrinsically related to each other, we hereby propose SDMP, short for $\textbf{S}$imple $\textbf{D}$ata $\textbf{M}$ixing $\textbf{P}$rior, to capture this straightforward yet essential prior, and position such mixed images as additional $\textbf{positive pairs}$ to facilitate self-supervised representation learning. Our experiments verify that the proposed SDMP enables data mixing to help a set of self-supervised learning frameworks (e.g., MoCo) achieve better accuracy and out-of-distribution robustness. More notably, our SDMP is the first method that successfully leverages data mixing to improve (rather than hurt) the performance of Vision Transformers in the self-supervised setting. Code is publicly available at