We consider the problem of finding an $\epsilon$-stationary point of a nonconvex function with a Lipschitz continuous Hessian and propose a quadratic regularized Newton method incorporating a new class of regularizers constructed from the current and previous gradients. The method leverages a recently developed linear conjugate gradient approach with a negative curvature monitor to solve the regularized Newton equation. Notably, our algorithm is adaptive, requiring no prior knowledge of the Lipschitz constant of the Hessian, and achieves a global complexity of $O(\epsilon^{-\frac{3}{2}}) + \tilde O(1)$ in terms of the second-order oracle calls, and $\tilde O(\epsilon^{-\frac{7}{4}})$ for Hessian-vector products, respectively. Moreover, when the iterates converge to a point where the Hessian is positive definite, the method exhibits quadratic local convergence. Preliminary numerical results illustrate the competitiveness of our algorithm.