This work proposes a framework developed to generalize Critical Heat Flux (CHF) detection classification models using an Unsupervised Image-to-Image (UI2I) translation model. The framework enables a typical classification model that was trained and tested on boiling images from domain A to predict boiling images coming from domain B that was never seen by the classification model. This is done by using the UI2I model to transform the domain B images to look like domain A images that the classification model is familiar with. Although CNN was used as the classification model and Fixed-Point GAN (FP-GAN) was used as the UI2I model, the framework is model agnostic. Meaning, that the framework can generalize any image classification model type, making it applicable to a variety of similar applications and not limited to the boiling crisis detection problem. It also means that the more the UI2I models advance, the better the performance of the framework.