Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands and
Abstract:Decentralised learning has recently gained traction as an alternative to federated learning in which both data and coordination are distributed over its users. To preserve the confidentiality of users' data, decentralised learning relies on differential privacy, multi-party computation, or a combination thereof. However, running multiple privacy-preserving summations in sequence may allow adversaries to perform reconstruction attacks. Unfortunately, current reconstruction countermeasures either cannot trivially be adapted to the distributed setting, or add excessive amounts of noise. In this work, we first show that passive honest-but-curious adversaries can reconstruct other users' private data after several privacy-preserving summations. For example, in subgraphs with 18 users, we show that only three passive honest-but-curious adversaries succeed at reconstructing private data 11.0% of the time, requiring an average of 8.8 summations per adversary. The success rate is independent of the size of the full network. We consider weak adversaries, who do not control the graph topology and can exploit neither the workings of the summation protocol nor the specifics of users' data. We develop a mathematical understanding of how reconstruction relates to topology and propose the first topology-based decentralised defence against reconstruction attacks. Specifically, we show that reconstruction requires a number of adversaries linear in the length of the network's shortest cycle. Consequently, reconstructing private data from privacy-preserving summations is impossible in acyclic networks. Our work is a stepping stone for a formal theory of decentralised reconstruction defences based on topology. Such a theory would generalise our countermeasure beyond summation, define confidentiality in terms of entropy, and describe the effects of (topology-aware) differential privacy.
Abstract:Decision trees are interpretable models that are well-suited to non-linear learning problems. Much work has been done on extending decision tree learning algorithms with differential privacy, a system that guarantees the privacy of samples within the training data. However, current state-of-the-art algorithms for this purpose sacrifice much utility for a small privacy benefit. These solutions create random decision nodes that reduce decision tree accuracy or spend an excessive share of the privacy budget on labeling leaves. Moreover, many works do not support or leak information about feature values when data is continuous. We propose a new method called PrivaTree based on private histograms that chooses good splits while consuming a small privacy budget. The resulting trees provide a significantly better privacy-utility trade-off and accept mixed numerical and categorical data without leaking additional information. Finally, while it is notoriously hard to give robustness guarantees against data poisoning attacks, we prove bounds for the expected success rates of backdoor attacks against differentially-private learners. Our experimental results show that PrivaTree consistently outperforms previous works on predictive accuracy and significantly improves robustness against backdoor attacks compared to regular decision trees.