Abstract:Rooting in the scarcity of most attributes, realistic pedestrian attribute datasets exhibit unduly skewed data distribution, from which two types of model failures are delivered: (1) label imbalance: model predictions lean greatly towards the side of majority labels; (2) semantics imbalance: model is easily overfitted on the under-represented attributes due to their insufficient semantic diversity. To render perfect label balancing, we propose a novel framework that successfully decouples label-balanced data re-sampling from the curse of attributes co-occurrence, i.e., we equalize the sampling prior of an attribute while not biasing that of the co-occurred others. To diversify the attributes semantics and mitigate the feature noise, we propose a Bayesian feature augmentation method to introduce true in-distribution novelty. Handling both imbalances jointly, our work achieves best accuracy on various popular benchmarks, and importantly, with minimal computational budget.