Abstract:Yahoo Gemini native advertising marketplace serves billions of impressions daily, to hundreds millions of unique users, and reaches a yearly revenue of many hundreds of millions USDs. Powering Gemini native models for predicting advertise (ad) event probabilities, such as conversions and clicks, is OFFSET - a feature enhanced collaborative-filtering (CF) based event prediction algorithm. The predicted probabilities are then used in Gemini native auctions to determine which ads to present for every serving event (impression). Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) is a recent Gemini native product that was launched two years ago and is increasingly gaining more attention from advertisers. The DCO product enables advertisers to issue several assets per each native ad attribute, creating multiple combinations for each DCO ad. Since different combinations may appeal to different crowds, it may be beneficial to present certain combinations more frequently than others to maximize revenue while keeping advertisers and users satisfied. The initial DCO offer was to optimize click-through rates (CTR), however as the marketplace shifts more towards conversion based campaigns, advertisers also ask for a {conversion based solution. To accommodate this request, we present a post-auction solution, where DCO ads combinations are favored according to their predicted conversion rate (CVR). The predictions are provided by an auxiliary OFFSET based combination CVR prediction model, and used to generate the combination distributions for DCO ad rendering during serving time. An online evaluation of this explore-exploit solution, via online bucket A/B testing, serving Gemini native DCO traffic, showed a 53.5% CVR lift, when compared to a control bucket serving all combinations uniformly at random.
Abstract:Real-world content recommendation marketplaces exhibit certain behaviors and are imposed by constraints that are not always apparent in common static offline data sets. One example that is common in ad marketplaces is swift ad turnover. New ads are introduced and old ads disappear at high rates every day. Another example is ad discontinuity, where existing ads may appear and disappear from the market for non negligible amounts of time due to a variety of reasons (e.g., depletion of budget, pausing by the advertiser, flagging by the system, and more). These behaviors sometimes cause the model's loss surface to change dramatically over short periods of time. To address these behaviors, fresh models are highly important, and to achieve this (and for several other reasons) incremental training on small chunks of past events is often employed. These behaviors and algorithmic optimizations occasionally cause model parameters to grow uncontrollably large, or \emph{diverge}. In this work present a systematic method to prevent model parameters from diverging by imposing a carefully chosen set of constraints on the model's latent vectors. We then devise a method inspired by primal-dual optimization algorithms to fulfill these constraints in a manner which both aligns well with incremental model training, and does not require any major modifications to the underlying model training algorithm. We analyze, demonstrate, and motivate our method on OFFSET, a collaborative filtering algorithm which drives Yahoo native advertising, which is one of VZM's largest and faster growing businesses, reaching a run-rate of many hundreds of millions USD per year. Finally, we conduct an online experiment which shows a substantial reduction in the number of diverging instances, and a significant improvement to both user experience and revenue.