Abstract:Optimal experimental design (OED) provides a systematic approach to quantify and maximize the value of experimental data. Under a Bayesian approach, conventional OED maximizes the expected information gain (EIG) on model parameters. However, we are often interested in not the parameters themselves, but predictive quantities of interest (QoIs) that depend on the parameters in a nonlinear manner. We present a computational framework of predictive goal-oriented OED (GO-OED) suitable for nonlinear observation and prediction models, which seeks the experimental design providing the greatest EIG on the QoIs. In particular, we propose a nested Monte Carlo estimator for the QoI EIG, featuring Markov chain Monte Carlo for posterior sampling and kernel density estimation for evaluating the posterior-predictive density and its Kullback-Leibler divergence from the prior-predictive. The GO-OED design is then found by maximizing the EIG over the design space using Bayesian optimization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the overall nonlinear GO-OED method, and illustrate its differences versus conventional non-GO-OED, through various test problems and an application of sensor placement for source inversion in a convection-diffusion field.
Abstract:We introduce variational sequential Optimal Experimental Design (vsOED), a new method for optimally designing a finite sequence of experiments under a Bayesian framework and with information-gain utilities. Specifically, we adopt a lower bound estimator for the expected utility through variational approximation to the Bayesian posteriors. The optimal design policy is solved numerically by simultaneously maximizing the variational lower bound and performing policy gradient updates. We demonstrate this general methodology for a range of OED problems targeting parameter inference, model discrimination, and goal-oriented prediction. These cases encompass explicit and implicit likelihoods, nuisance parameters, and physics-based partial differential equation models. Our vsOED results indicate substantially improved sample efficiency and reduced number of forward model simulations compared to previous sequential design algorithms.
Abstract:We present a mathematical framework and computational methods to optimally design a finite number of sequential experiments. We formulate this sequential optimal experimental design (sOED) problem as a finite-horizon partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) in a Bayesian setting and with information-theoretic utilities. It is built to accommodate continuous random variables, general non-Gaussian posteriors, and expensive nonlinear forward models. sOED then seeks an optimal design policy that incorporates elements of both feedback and lookahead, generalizing the suboptimal batch and greedy designs. We solve for the sOED policy numerically via policy gradient (PG) methods from reinforcement learning, and derive and prove the PG expression for sOED. Adopting an actor-critic approach, we parameterize the policy and value functions using deep neural networks and improve them using gradient estimates produced from simulated episodes of designs and observations. The overall PG-sOED method is validated on a linear-Gaussian benchmark, and its advantages over batch and greedy designs are demonstrated through a contaminant source inversion problem in a convection-diffusion field.