Abstract:Background and Objective: Early detection of lung cancer is crucial as it has high mortality rate with patients commonly present with the disease at stage 3 and above. There are only relatively few methods that simultaneously detect and classify nodules from computed tomography (CT) scans. Furthermore, very few studies have used semi-supervised learning for lung cancer prediction. This study presents a complete end-to-end scheme to detect and classify lung nodules using the state-of-the-art Self-training with Noisy Student method on a comprehensive CT lung screening dataset of around 4,000 CT scans. Methods: We used three datasets, namely LUNA16, LIDC and NLST, for this study. We first utilise a three-dimensional deep convolutional neural network model to detect lung nodules in the detection stage. The classification model known as Maxout Local-Global Network uses non-local networks to detect global features including shape features, residual blocks to detect local features including nodule texture, and a Maxout layer to detect nodule variations. We trained the first Self-training with Noisy Student model to predict lung cancer on the unlabelled NLST datasets. Then, we performed Mixup regularization to enhance our scheme and provide robustness to erroneous labels. Results and Conclusions: Our new Mixup Maxout Local-Global network achieves an AUC of 0.87 on 2,005 completely independent testing scans from the NLST dataset. Our new scheme significantly outperformed the next highest performing method at the 5% significance level using DeLong's test (p = 0.0001). This study presents a new complete end-to-end scheme to predict lung cancer using Self-training with Noisy Student combined with Mixup regularization. On a completely independent dataset of 2,005 scans, we achieved state-of-the-art performance even with more images as compared to other methods.
Abstract:Purpose: Lung nodules have very diverse shapes and sizes, which makes classifying them as benign/malignant a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel method to predict the malignancy of nodules that have the capability to analyze the shape and size of a nodule using a global feature extractor, as well as the density and structure of the nodule using a local feature extractor. Methods: We propose to use Residual Blocks with a 3x3 kernel size for local feature extraction, and Non-Local Blocks to extract the global features. The Non-Local Block has the ability to extract global features without using a huge number of parameters. The key idea behind the Non-Local Block is to apply matrix multiplications between features on the same feature maps. Results: We trained and validated the proposed method on the LIDC-IDRI dataset which contains 1,018 computed tomography (CT) scans. We followed a rigorous procedure for experimental setup namely, 10-fold cross-validation and ignored the nodules that had been annotated by less than 3 radiologists. The proposed method achieved state-of-the-art results with AUC=95.62%, while significantly outperforming other baseline methods. Conclusions: Our proposed Deep Local-Global network has the capability to accurately extract both local and global features. Our new method outperforms state-of-the-art architecture including Densenet and Resnet with transfer learning.