Abstract:Counterfactual explanation is a form of interpretable machine learning that generates perturbations on a sample to achieve the desired outcome. The generated samples can act as instructions to guide end users on how to observe the desired results by altering samples. Although state-of-the-art counterfactual explanation methods are proposed to use variational autoencoder (VAE) to achieve promising improvements, they suffer from two major limitations: 1) the counterfactuals generation is prohibitively slow, which prevents algorithms from being deployed in interactive environments; 2) the counterfactual explanation algorithms produce unstable results due to the randomness in the sampling procedure of variational autoencoder. In this work, to address the above limitations, we design a robust and efficient counterfactual explanation framework, namely CeFlow, which utilizes normalizing flows for the mixed-type of continuous and categorical features. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our technique compares favorably to state-of-the-art methods. We release our source at https://github.com/tridungduong16/fairCE.git for reproducing the results.
Abstract:Counterfactual fairness alleviates the discrimination between the model prediction toward an individual in the actual world (observational data) and that in counterfactual world (i.e., what if the individual belongs to other sensitive groups). The existing studies need to pre-define the structural causal model that captures the correlations among variables for counterfactual inference; however, the underlying causal model is usually unknown and difficult to be validated in real-world scenarios. Moreover, the misspecification of the causal model potentially leads to poor performance in model prediction and thus makes unfair decisions. In this research, we propose a novel minimax game-theoretic model for counterfactual fairness that can produce accurate results meanwhile achieve a counterfactually fair decision with the relaxation of strong assumptions of structural causal models. In addition, we also theoretically prove the error bound of the proposed minimax model. Empirical experiments on multiple real-world datasets illustrate our superior performance in both accuracy and fairness. Source code is available at \url{https://github.com/tridungduong16/counterfactual_fairness_game_theoretic}.
Abstract:Causal inference methods are widely applied in various decision-making domains such as precision medicine, optimal policy and economics. Central to causal inference is the treatment effect estimation of intervention strategies, such as changes in drug dosing and increases in financial aid. Existing methods are mostly restricted to the deterministic treatment and compare outcomes under different treatments. However, they are unable to address the substantial recent interest of treatment effect estimation under stochastic treatment, e.g., "how all units health status change if they adopt 50\% dose reduction". In other words, they lack the capability of providing fine-grained treatment effect estimation to support sound decision-making. In our study, we advance the causal inference research by proposing a new effective framework to estimate the treatment effect on stochastic intervention. Particularly, we develop a stochastic intervention effect estimator (SIE) based on nonparametric influence function, with the theoretical guarantees of robustness and fast convergence rates. Additionally, we construct a customised reinforcement learning algorithm based on the random search solver which can effectively find the optimal policy to produce the greatest expected outcomes for the decision-making process. Finally, we conduct an empirical study to justify that our framework can achieve significant performance in comparison with state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:Causal inference methods are widely applied in various decision-making domains such as precision medicine, optimal policy and economics. Central to these applications is the treatment effect estimation of intervention strategies. Current estimation methods are mostly restricted to the deterministic treatment, which however, is unable to address the stochastic space treatment policies. Moreover, previous methods can only make binary yes-or-no decisions based on the treatment effect, lacking the capability of providing fine-grained effect estimation degree to explain the process of decision making. In our study, we therefore advance the causal inference research to estimate stochastic intervention effect by devising a new stochastic propensity score and stochastic intervention effect estimator (SIE). Meanwhile, we design a customized genetic algorithm specific to stochastic intervention effect (Ge-SIO) with the aim of providing causal evidence for decision making. We provide the theoretical analysis and conduct an empirical study to justify that our proposed measures and algorithms can achieve a significant performance lift in comparison with state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:Counterfactual explanation is one branch of interpretable machine learning that produces a perturbation sample to change the model's original decision. The generated samples can act as a recommendation for end-users to achieve their desired outputs. Most of the current counterfactual explanation approaches are the gradient-based method, which can only optimize the differentiable loss functions with continuous variables. Accordingly, the gradient-free methods are proposed to handle the categorical variables, which however present several major limitations: 1) causal relationships among features are typically ignored when generating the counterfactuals, possibly resulting in impractical guidelines for decision-makers; 2) the generation of the counterfactual sample is prohibitively slow and requires lots of parameter tuning for combining different loss functions. In this work, we propose a causal structure model to preserve the causal relationship underlying the features of the counterfactual. In addition, we design a novel gradient-free optimization based on the multi-objective genetic algorithm that generates the counterfactual explanations for the mixed-type of continuous and categorical data. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our method compares favorably with state-of-the-art methods and therefore is applicable to any prediction model. All the source code and data are available at \textit{\url{{https://github.com/tridungduong16/multiobj-scm-cf}}}.
Abstract:Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of machine learning in a wide range of fields such as image recognition, text classification, credit scoring prediction, recommendation system, etc. In spite of their great performance in different sectors, researchers still concern about the mechanism under any machine learning (ML) techniques that are inherently black-box and becoming more complex to achieve higher accuracy. Therefore, interpreting machine learning model is currently a mainstream topic in the research community. However, the traditional interpretable machine learning focuses on the association instead of the causality. This paper provides an overview of causal analysis with the fundamental background and key concepts, and then summarizes most recent causal approaches for interpretable machine learning. The evaluation techniques for assessing method quality, and open problems in causal interpretability are also discussed in this paper.