Abstract:The vast volume of medical image data necessitates efficient compression techniques to support remote healthcare services. This paper explores Region of Interest (ROI) coding to address the balance between compression rate and image quality. By leveraging UNET segmentation on the Brats 2020 dataset, we accurately identify tumor regions, which are critical for diagnosis. These regions are then subjected to High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) for compression, enhancing compression rates while preserving essential diagnostic information. This approach ensures that critical image regions maintain their quality, while non-essential areas are compressed more. Our method optimizes storage space and transmission bandwidth, meeting the demands of telemedicine and large-scale medical imaging. Through this technique, we provide a robust solution that maintains the integrity of vital data and improves the efficiency of medical image handling.
Abstract:We propose a new gradient method for holography, where a phase-only hologram is parameterized by not only the phase but also amplitude. The key idea of our approach is the formulation of a phase-only hologram using an auxiliary amplitude. We optimize the parameters using the so-called Wirtinger flow algorithm in the Cartesian domain, which is a gradient method defined on the basis of the Wirtinger calculus. At the early stage of optimization, each element of the hologram exists inside a complex circle, and it can take a large gradient while diverging from the origin. This characteristic contributes to accelerating the gradient descent. Meanwhile, at the final stage of optimization, each element evolves along a complex circle, similar to previous state-of-the-art gradient methods. The experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms previous methods, primarily due to the optimization of the amplitude.
Abstract:We propose a computational imaging method for time-efficient light-field acquisition that combines a coded aperture with an event-based camera. Different from the conventional coded-aperture imaging method, our method applies a sequence of coding patterns during a single exposure for an image frame. The parallax information, which is related to the differences in coding patterns, is recorded as events. The image frame and events, all of which are measured in a single exposure, are jointly used to computationally reconstruct a light field. We also designed an algorithm pipeline for our method that is end-to-end trainable on the basis of deep optics and compatible with real camera hardware. We experimentally showed that our method can achieve more accurate reconstruction than several other imaging methods with a single exposure. We also developed a hardware prototype with the potential to complete the measurement on the camera within 22 msec and demonstrated that light fields from real 3-D scenes can be obtained with convincing visual quality. Our software and supplementary video are available from our project website.
Abstract:We propose a method for reconstructing a continuous light field of a target scene from a single observed image. Our method takes the best of two worlds: joint aperture-exposure coding for compressive light-field acquisition, and a neural radiance field (NeRF) for view synthesis. Joint aperture-exposure coding implemented in a camera enables effective embedding of 3-D scene information into an observed image, but in previous works, it was used only for reconstructing discretized light-field views. NeRF-based neural rendering enables high quality view synthesis of a 3-D scene from continuous viewpoints, but when only a single image is given as the input, it struggles to achieve satisfactory quality. Our method integrates these two techniques into an efficient and end-to-end trainable pipeline. Trained on a wide variety of scenes, our method can reconstruct continuous light fields accurately and efficiently without any test time optimization. To our knowledge, this is the first work to bridge two worlds: camera design for efficiently acquiring 3-D information and neural rendering.
Abstract:Compressing the sign information of discrete cosine transform (DCT) coefficients is an intractable problem in image coding schemes due to the equiprobable characteristics of the signs. To overcome this difficulty, we propose an efficient compression method for the sign information called "sign retrieval." This method is inspired by phase retrieval, which is a classical signal restoration problem of finding the phase information of discrete Fourier transform coefficients from their magnitudes. The sign information of all DCT coefficients is excluded from a bitstream at the encoder and is complemented at the decoder through our sign retrieval method. We show through experiments that our method outperforms previous ones in terms of the bit amount for the signs and computation cost. Our method, implemented in Python language, is available from https://github.com/ctsutake/dsr.
Abstract:We propose a method for compressively acquiring a dynamic light field (a 5-D volume) through a single-shot coded image (a 2-D measurement). We designed an imaging model that synchronously applies aperture coding and pixel-wise exposure coding within a single exposure time. This coding scheme enables us to effectively embed the original information into a single observed image. The observed image is then fed to a convolutional neural network (CNN) for light-field reconstruction, which is jointly trained with the camera-side coding patterns. We also developed a hardware prototype to capture a real 3-D scene moving over time. We succeeded in acquiring a dynamic light field with 5x5 viewpoints over 4 temporal sub-frames (100 views in total) from a single observed image. Repeating capture and reconstruction processes over time, we can acquire a dynamic light field at 4x the frame rate of the camera. To our knowledge, our method is the first to achieve a finer temporal resolution than the camera itself in compressive light-field acquisition. Our software is available from our project webpage
Abstract:Thanks to the excellent learning capability of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), monocular depth estimation using CNNs has achieved great success in recent years. However, depth estimation from a monocular image alone is essentially an ill-posed problem, and thus, it seems that this approach would have inherent vulnerabilities. To reveal this limitation, we propose a method of adversarial patch attack on monocular depth estimation. More specifically, we generate artificial patterns (adversarial patches) that can fool the target methods into estimating an incorrect depth for the regions where the patterns are placed. Our method can be implemented in the real world by physically placing the printed patterns in real scenes. We also analyze the behavior of monocular depth estimation under attacks by visualizing the activation levels of the intermediate layers and the regions potentially affected by the adversarial attack.